Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Movie Review

Can't let the summer pass without seeing Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen though afterward I was wondering if I shouldn't have left well enough alone. A two-and-a-half hour slog through a male adolescent's fantasy, the movies bangs and clangs you over the head from the beginning and doesn't let up until in the end. In between, we're offered glimpses of the lovely Megan Fox reclining on a motorcycle in her cutoff shorts - proper attire for detailing machinery - and then various scenes of her and her heaving bosom as she runs in slow motion from one explosion to another.

What's that you say? That's entertainment? Well, it may be but the wink-wink, nudge-nudge factor begins to wear on you after a while. I couldn't follow the story, didn't know who the robots were or what they were after and could tell why some had certain powers and abilities and others didn't. The human characters were no better, just filling slots that needed filling until the next set up, which came along every minute and a half.

The fan boys in the auditorium cheered at the end. I would've, too, but I suspect for different reasons.

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