Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dead Sea Sinkholes Swallow Up Plans

The area around the Dead Sea is filling up with holes:
Eli Raz was peering into a narrow hole in the Dead Sea shore when the earth opened up and swallowed him. Fearing he would never be found alive, he scribbled his will on an old postcard.

After 14 hours a search party pulled him from the 10-meter-(30 foot-) deep hole unhurt, and five years later the 69-year-old geologist is working to save others from a similar fate, leading an effort to map the sinkholes that are spreading on the banks of the fabled saltwater lake.

These underground craters can open up in an instant, sucking in whatever lies above and leaving the surrounding area looking like an earthquake zone.

Estimated number of holes? 3,000. Which means, to paraphrase John Lennon, they had to count them all. Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the, er, Dead Sea.

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