Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oklahoma City Professionals Twittering on Success

Another article on why you should be twittering, or otherwise using technology to network not only personally but professionally:
At roughly the same time Oklahoma City chef Ryan Parrott was home sick in bed, Saxum PR representative Lindsay Laird was wrapping up a call to a client extolling the virtues of social media, commercial photographer and brewery owner J.D. Merryweather was making plans for his new business venture, and business consultant Shelley Cadamy was asking for help lining up a glass shop to fix her vandalized windshield.

Four separate people moving in totally different circles. But all four knew what the others were doing and, to some degree, were a part of it, thanks to the latest social networking fad. kept these four in touch, but it’s just one of many sites – Facebook, LinkedIn, Plaxo and Pulse – that keep people connected around the globe and down the street.

If you've been following my tweets on the sidebar, you've seen I've been enjoying myself the last couple of days. I'll reserve my opinion about the matter until I've spent some more time with it but so far it's been fun and that's no bad thing.

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