Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American Idol: Final Results

Told ya.

No matter the winner, amazing show, wasn't it? And if you thought dinosaurs no longer roamed the earth, well then, you didn't catch the show. I counted two contemporary artists - The Black Eyed Peas (and what was up with that blank screen while they were performing? Were they being naughty? Classy, guys.) and that guy that sang the bouncy reggae thing, who I liked. The rest of acts had their first hits over 30 years ago. Shoot, for Rod Stewart and Carlos Santana, their first hits were nearly 40 years ago. Still, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and having Kris named as the winner was just a bonus. That sound you heard when Adam sang Beth, before Kiss came out and joined him, when he was wearing that odd get up and the glittery guy-liner? That was the sound off people wishing they could change their votes for him. Oh, he'll be fine so don't worry about him.

I was glad to see all of the other cast off Idols and hear their duets and then the goofy awards thing with the memorable contestants. Almost felt sorry for bikini girl but then, no, I really didn't.

Seacrest says they'll do it all over again next January. I'll be counting the days.

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